Day 8

AoC presents us with another computer challenge. We conjure up some data types representing the console state as well as its instructions.

data Instruction = Acc Integer
                 | Jmp Integer
                 | Nop Integer
                 | Hlt
  deriving (Show, Eq)

type Program = HashMap Integer Instruction

data Console =
  { _acc    :: Integer
  , _pc     :: Integer
  , _prog   :: Program
  , _halted :: Bool
makeLenses ''Console

data Error = NoInst
           | Reexecuted
  deriving (Show, Eq, Enum, Bounded)

instance Read Instruction where
  readPrec = lift $ do
    ins <- choice [string "acc" >> pure Acc, string "jmp" >> pure Jmp, string "nop" >> pure Nop]
    _ <- char ' '
    sgn <- choice [char '+' >> pure id, char '-' >> pure negate]
    arg <- read <$> munch1 isDigit
    return $ ins (sgn arg)

toConsole :: [Instruction] -> Console
toConsole is = Console 0 0 (toProgram is) False

toProgram :: [Instruction] -> Program
toProgram = fromList . zip [0..] . (<>[Hlt])

The final piece of the puzzle is to interpret the instructions, which is fairly simple.

runWithHook :: (Has Console s, MonadState s m, MonadError Error m) => m () -> m ()
runWithHook hook = do
  cpc <- use $ hasLens . pc
  mins <- preuse $ hasLens . prog . ix cpc
  case mins of
    Just ins -> do
      case ins of
        Acc i -> hasLens . acc += i >> hasLens . pc += 1
        Jmp o -> hasLens . pc += o
        Nop _ -> hasLens . pc += 1
        Hlt   -> hasLens . halted .= True
      stop <- use $ hasLens . halted
      unless stop (runWithHook hook)
    Nothing -> throwError NoInst

run :: (Has Console s, MonadState s m, MonadError Error m) => m ()
run = runWithHook (pure ())

To check to see if a program repeats instructions, we introduce a hook that takes in some additional state and tracks the program counters visited.

repeatHook :: (Has Console s, Has (HashSet Integer) s, MonadState s m, MonadError Error m) => m ()
repeatHook = do
  cpc <- use $ hasLens . pc
  pcs <- use hasLens
  if cpc `member` pcs then throwError Reexecuted
  else hasLens .= pcs <> [cpc]

checkLoop :: Console -> (HashSet Integer, Console)
checkLoop = execState (runExceptT $ runWithHook repeatHook) . (mempty,)

The final code for part A is then

instance Solved 8 'PartA where
  solve = show . view (_2 . acc) . checkLoop . toConsole . fmap read . lines

For part B, we need a function that gives us each possible transformation of the program.

progs :: [Instruction] -> [[Instruction]]
progs [] = []
progs (Jmp i:is) = (Nop i:is) : ((Jmp i:) <$> progs is)
progs (Nop i:is) = (Jmp i:is) : ((Nop i:) <$> progs is)
progs (i:is) = (i:) <$> progs is

Here progs returns a list of the programs with precisely one instruction edited. We either edit the first instruction or we prepend the original instruction to the recursive modification which will change exactly one instruction. Solving this part is now an exercise of checking if the program still loops and returning the accumulator of the first one that does not. We also take advantage of the fact that the lack of conditional jumps implies that a single instruction reexecution will result in an infinite loop.

instance Solved 8 'PartB where
  solve = show . view acc . head . filter (view halted)
               . fmap (view _2 . checkLoop . toConsole) . progs . fmap read . lines

Pretty neat, huh. Alternatively, we modify the entire hook process, passing the PC and instruction to the hook and giving the hook a function that will continue stepping with the updated state and an instruction to run.

type ConsoleHook s m = (Has Console s, MonadState s m, MonadError Error m)
                     => (Integer -> Instruction -> (Instruction -> m ()) -> m ())

flipHook :: (Has (HashSet (Integer, Bool)) s, Has Bool s) => ConsoleHook s m
flipHook cpc inst continue = do
  pcs <- use hasLens
  modified <- use hasLens
  when ((cpc, modified) `member` pcs) $ throwError Reexecuted
  hasLens .= [(cpc, modified)] <> pcs

  if not modified && modifiable inst then do
    og <- get
    hasLens .= [(cpc, True)] <> pcs
    hasLens .= True
    -- try to run the new program
    -- if it fails, restore the state
    continue (modify inst) `catchError` \_ -> do
      npcs <- use $ hasLens @(HashSet (Integer, Bool))
      put og
      hasLens .= npcs
      continue inst
    continue inst
  where modify (Jmp i) = Nop i
        modify (Nop i) = Jmp i
        modify i = i
        modifiable (Jmp _) = True
        modifiable (Nop _) = True
        modifiable _ = False

checkFlip :: Console -> (Console, HashSet (Integer, Bool), Bool)
checkFlip = execState (runExceptT $ runWithHook flipHook) . (,mempty,False)

instance Solved 8 'PartB where
  solve = show . view (_1 . acc) . checkFlip . toConsole . fmap read . lines

This runs roughly 10.5 times faster than the brute force solution. We can use the new set of seen instructions because the lack of conditional jumps means that whenever we reach a known state, which is uniquely determined by the PC and whether or not we have modified an instruction yet, we are guaranteed to loop.